What about a big piece of paper and a piece of big paper? Which is right

What about a big piece of paper and a piece of big paper? Which is right

Of course, a big piece of paper big modifies the quantifier piece

The difference between would like to and want to
Both "would like to" and "want to" mean "want". Some sentences use "would like to", but "want" in some sentences uses "want to". So it's a bit unclear about their usage in different sentences. I want to find out their specific differences in meaning and usage

Would like to is more euphemistic than want to. It is usually used in formal letters and telegrams
Want to is more intense than would like to, and it is also common in spoken English

What would you ______ do A.want to B.like to

B.like to

The difference between would you like to and do you want to
Do you want to become a successful person?
Would you like to become a successful person?

These two sentences are right
Would you like to is more euphemistic than do you want to. That's the difference,

I want to do sth I would like to do sth I feel like doing sth

I want to travel around the world
I would like to hang out with my friends tomorrow.
I feel like having a drink.

Do you want to. Would like?

Want to is followed by the original verb, but would like should be followed by the name ~ would has been followed by the original verb

Would like or to do

would like to do sth

Would like to do sth and want to do sth
What is the difference between would like to do sth and want to do sth

The former is more euphemistic

Would you like another bowl of rice?

Do you want another bowl of rice?

Jim's father would like a small bowl of rice

The general question is to advance "would like"