“bring me a cup of tea,please”said she. peter said,“you had better come here today”這兩句話的賓語應該是誰?為什麼?

“bring me a cup of tea,please”said she. peter said,“you had better come here today”這兩句話的賓語應該是誰?為什麼?

標題的那個賓語就是說的那句話,直接引語知道麼?!這個就是典型的直接引語啊,直接引語屬於賓語從句的.said she不過是一種倒裝罷了,主語是she,賓語就是那句話.第二個句子以此類推.主語是peter

are my cup of tea

don't see me you are not my cup of tea

主要問題在my cup of tea上.美語中one's cup of tea表示某人感興趣或喜歡的東西.not my cup of tea就是我不喜歡的東西啦!正因為“不喜歡你”,所以句子中才會說“別看我”