英語翻譯 1.lose weight 2.get away with 3.tell a lie 4.earn one's living 5.in debt 6.cut down 7.before long 8.put on weight

英語翻譯 1.lose weight 2.get away with 3.tell a lie 4.earn one's living 5.in debt 6.cut down 7.before long 8.put on weight

1.I want to lose weight.我想要减肥.
2.He could not have she getting away with telling people lies.他不能讓她哄騙人們後不受懲罰.
3.He has told a lies.他說了謊話.
4.He earns his living by singing.他靠唱歌謀生.
5.He did not look forward to being in debt.他不希望負上債務.
6.They cut down the daily expense.他們削减日常開支.
7.He became a singer before long.不久之後,他成為了一比特歌星.
8.You should put on your weight,you are too weak.你太瘦了,你應該新增體重.

1.meet the needs of
2.offer one's help to sb
3.pass on
4.by the age of(這個短語用在什麼時態?)
5.take hold of
6.take in
7.now and then/again

1.meet the needs of滿足..的需求2.offer one's help to sb給某人提供幫助3.pass on通過4.by the age of(這個短語用在什麼時態?)5.take hold of舉行6.take in作為..7.now and then/again從今以後…


1 keep a cat
2 go to climb a mount
3 after a hundred years
4 fall in love with
5 come true