英語翻譯 She makes them in fatigue green from regular uniforms,sandy tan from desert camouflage. 這個句子中的fatigue green和sandy tan

英語翻譯 She makes them in fatigue green from regular uniforms,sandy tan from desert camouflage. 這個句子中的fatigue green和sandy tan


work to overcome the loss of several talented seniors.請問這句話怎麼翻譯,


lose weight get away with now that break out組的不要太深奧!

I want to lose weight to get healthy -我要減輕體重來保持健康.
He thinks he can get away with not doing hsi homework.-他以為他可以不用做功課也不會有事.
Now that she is feeling better,we are all relieved.-現在她已經好多了,我們都放心了.
There is a break out of H1N1 worldwide.-現在世界各地暴發甲型流感疫情.