假如你是Jack,今天你和你的朋友Lily去了廣州動物園.請你根據以下的內容提示寫一篇英語短文. 1.你們在動物園裡看到了可愛的猴子; 2.當一比特遊客向猴子扔食物時,你上前封锁了他並告訴了他這樣做是不對的. 要求60字左右.詞語連貫.

假如你是Jack,今天你和你的朋友Lily去了廣州動物園.請你根據以下的內容提示寫一篇英語短文. 1.你們在動物園裡看到了可愛的猴子; 2.當一比特遊客向猴子扔食物時,你上前封锁了他並告訴了他這樣做是不對的. 要求60字左右.詞語連貫.

Today,I and myfriends:Lily goto thezoo.Wesee themongkey.Themonkey is cute.I see a touristtraveler feeding the monkey.I walk to her anf say“Did you look the sign,It say ''Don't feed the monkey”.The touristtraveler say ''I won't do that next time''


Guangzhou enjoys subtropical monsoon weather. As it faces the sea but backs on the mountain,Guangzhou's climate has a characteristic of warm weather and plenty of rainfall,sufficient sunlight and he…