寫一篇英語短文70詞左右 現在是晚上八點半,你在做作業,哥哥和爸爸在下國際象棋,媽媽在看電影,奶奶在聽音樂,爺爺和叔叔在談話,大家都很忙.

寫一篇英語短文70詞左右 現在是晚上八點半,你在做作業,哥哥和爸爸在下國際象棋,媽媽在看電影,奶奶在聽音樂,爺爺和叔叔在談話,大家都很忙.

it was eight-thirty at night,i was in my room working on my schoolassignments.myfather and brother were outside in the living room playing internationalchess.mymother was watching her favourite mo…

where did you go?
waht did you do?
how was the weather there?
how were the people and the food there?
what did you think of it

Last summer holiday i went to Beijing with myparents.Itwas a very interesting and historicplace.Wevisited the Great Wall,the Summer Place,and Tian AnMen.Itwas very hot in Beijing during the summ…