寫一篇關於讀書的英語作文,80詞左右號召大家一起讀書的作文 把有限的時間用在讀書上,减少上網.聽音樂.玩遊戲的時間.其實不是80子也可以,只要在作文紙上看著够就可以了~幫幫幫~

寫一篇關於讀書的英語作文,80詞左右號召大家一起讀書的作文 把有限的時間用在讀書上,减少上網.聽音樂.玩遊戲的時間.其實不是80子也可以,只要在作文紙上看著够就可以了~幫幫幫~

People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. But I don't think so. In my opinion,to read books is more valuable than anythingelse.Theold saying“To open a book i…

題目:How to Face Failures

Nowadays,we have to meet many challenges either in our life or in study. Sometimes we win and sometimes we fail. However,there are two kinds of people have their own ideas about how to face failure. On one hand,some people tend to think that they have no capacity to do things when they fail at first attempt. They become pessimistic and unconfident. On the other hand,some hold the view that without failure,they will never succeed,so they never give up even if they fail several times. They keep trying until they succeed. As far as I am concerned,I prefer the positive and optimistic attitude towards failure. There is an old saying is“Failure is mother of success”. Many stories of scientists and inventors such as Edison can prove this. Edison who had invented bulbs had failed more than one thousandtimes.Hestill didn't lose heart,but learned from failure and got final success. Therefore,if we don't make mistakes,we'll never get further progress. Failure always goes before success. We fail,fail and finally succeed. In a word,life isn't always smooth. Don't give up,come on!Success beckons on those who persist and learn from failure.


The Four seasons
A year has fourseasons.Everyseason has threemonths.Theweather of one season is different from that of anyother.Thelife cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons.
The first season isspring.Thethree months in it are March,April andMay.Duringthat time we have warm weather and finedays.Allplants come tolife.Animalswake up fromhibernation.Itis time for farmers to get ready for their fields.
The second season issummer.Thethree months are June,July andAugust.Theweather is very hot and it oftenrains.Peoplecan go swimming andsightseeing.Itis time for all things to grow up.
The third season isautumn.Thethree months are September,October andNovember.Theweather becomes cooler andcooler.Leavesbegin to fall to theground.Itis the harvest time for farmers.
The fourth season iswinter.December,January and February are the three months of thatseason.Theweather is very cold,and most of the plants die at thattime.Sometimesitsnows.Peoplecan enjoy skating andskiing.Butwinter doesn' t stay with us for a long time,for spring comes again soon.