請根據以下的中文提示用英語寫一篇120詞左右的文章 1在國際交往中,由於語言不同,交談中往往要借助某些手勢.因為各國的習俗不同,所以手勢的含義也不同!(借助:by meas of/習俗:since/含義:the meaning of/口語:spokon tangrce)2許多中年人或老年人喜歡用手撫摸孩子的頭,表示對孩子的愛.(定語從句)但馬來西亞人認為頭是人身體中最重要的部分,絕對不允許別人觸摸(表示:show但:however中年人:middle-aged people)3通常,點頭表示同意,搖頭表示拒絕或不同意,但在阿爾巴尼亞,情况正好相反(通常:in general點頭:noddgng搖頭:while情况正好相反:is in the oppsitce)4總之,瞭解和尊重不同國家的文化習俗是非常必要的(總之:in aword)(阿爾巴尼亞Albania馬來西亞:Maiaysia)

請根據以下的中文提示用英語寫一篇120詞左右的文章 1在國際交往中,由於語言不同,交談中往往要借助某些手勢.因為各國的習俗不同,所以手勢的含義也不同!(借助:by meas of/習俗:since/含義:the meaning of/口語:spokon tangrce)2許多中年人或老年人喜歡用手撫摸孩子的頭,表示對孩子的愛.(定語從句)但馬來西亞人認為頭是人身體中最重要的部分,絕對不允許別人觸摸(表示:show但:however中年人:middle-aged people)3通常,點頭表示同意,搖頭表示拒絕或不同意,但在阿爾巴尼亞,情况正好相反(通常:in general點頭:noddgng搖頭:while情况正好相反:is in the oppsitce)4總之,瞭解和尊重不同國家的文化習俗是非常必要的(總之:in aword)(阿爾巴尼亞Albania馬來西亞:Maiaysia)

In international communication,we try to use gesture to express our meaning because of the differentlanguages.Sinceevery customs differ from each other,the meanings of the gestures are not thesame.Forexample,many middle-age delder people touch the children on the head to show their love forthem.However,the people of Malaysia believe that headis the most important part of the body and it`s forbidden to betouched.What`s more,nodding means agreement and shaking means disagreement ingeneral.Butthis is in the oppsite inAlbania.Ina word,there is a great necessity to know and to show respect to different customs.

高三英語作文請用英語寫一篇100-120個詞的短文,介紹你課餘時間最喜歡做的一件事,並簡要說明你喜歡做的原因.開頭已給出. Everyone has their own favorite hobbies .

Everyone has their own favorite hobbies.I am not anexception.WhenI return home with a whole day’s study,I am tired andbored.ThenI will do one favorite thing–jogging in the small park near my h…


Low-carbon Life Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our livingenvironment.Asa student,it's my duty to do something for theearth.Fromnow on,I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car.I'll use fewer plastic bags【少用塑胶袋】to reduce white pollution【减少白色污染】.In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher.I'll take less lift and reuse water【迴圈用水】.At last l will use second-hand books【使用二手書】,sowe don't need to cut down moretrees.Ifeveryone takes action,our enivronment will be better andbetter.Ourworld will be more beautiful.