

French Table MannersFrench table manners are really different fromChina.Forexample,you are not supposed to put your bread on yourplate.Youare supposed to put it on table!I thought that was pretty…


Dearmanager:Not longago,I bought a Sony radio from your store for 100dollars.Butafter 10 days'use,I got something wrong with it.I feel so sorry to bother you,but I think that the store should take…

without pain and struggle,life is never conplete and successful作文題目

Life is by no means complete and successful without pain andstruggle.Weall know that no one could live without troubles andmiseries.Allof us are fighting for something,for wealth,for freedom or for some spiritualpursuit.Theprocess of our fighting or struggle,however,is not plain.
We all would have hard times,so westruggle.Onewho fights difficulties and triumphs over them is ahero.Onewho dare not face difficulties is a coward,and he would quickly sink into the dark abyss of nothingness.
In order to lead a more complete and more successful life,we must learn to undertakepains.Throughour persistent struggle,we would heal the pains and get rewarded.
No pains,nogains.Keepstruggling!