英語中含有the就表示被動意思的介詞短語有哪些?像in charge of和in the charge of這一對詞.

英語中含有the就表示被動意思的介詞短語有哪些?像in charge of和in the charge of這一對詞.

in charge of負責
in the charge of由…負責
in possession of擁有
in the possession of被…擁有
in control of控制/掌控,
in the control of由…掌控
你能用英語告訴大家你家到學校怎麼走嗎?要求:1、使用in front of,next to等描述位置關係的詞或短語.
1. My house is very close to the school.
2. From my house go straight down the road.
3. In front of the post office turn left.
4. Continue for about 30 feet.
5. You will see a sign which says“DRIVE SLOWLY - SCHOOL AHEAD”.
6. Not far from the sign is a bus stop.
7. My school is right next to the bus stop.
英語中還有什麼類似in front of和in the front of這樣的對應詞
in hospitai和in the hospital
in the bonds of holy matrimony是什麼意思?the bonds of,這是個短語嗎?還有第
in the bonds of holy matrimony是什麼意思?the bonds of,這是個短語嗎?還有一個:even if Icounld get it together enough to ask a woman out.裡面的get it together enough這是六人行裏的片段劇情.
get it together enough
直譯的話就是以神聖的婚姻為紐帶,不算是固定的短語,就是用了bond的意思而已。原文是We are gathered here to join Joanie Louise Cunningham..and Charles. Chachi,Chachi,Chachi..in the bonds of holy matrimony.意譯:今天我們聚在一起,見證二人神聖的婚禮。
get it to…展開
直譯的話就是以神聖的婚姻為紐帶,不算是固定的短語,就是用了bond的意思而已。原文是We are gathered here to join Joanie Louise Cunningham..and Charles. Chachi,Chachi,Chachi..in the bonds of holy matrimony.意譯:今天我們聚在一起,見證二人神聖的婚禮。
get it together應該是只自己的狀態,心情,和錢沒太大關係。應該是表示恢復正常的狀態和心情了,常用語失戀後重新振作的時候。收起