It is known that the quadratic function y is equal to the square of x minus 2x plus 4. If there is only one intersection point between the line passing through the origin and the quadratic function, how many such lines are there What I want to ask is: why does this line have no intersection with the parabola when it happens to be the x-axis and y = 0?

It is known that the quadratic function y is equal to the square of x minus 2x plus 4. If there is only one intersection point between the line passing through the origin and the quadratic function, how many such lines are there What I want to ask is: why does this line have no intersection with the parabola when it happens to be the x-axis and y = 0?

Turn into vertex formula X & # 178; - 2x + 4 = (x-1) &# 178; + 3
The minimum is 3,
There is no intersection between the function image and the x-axis