English abbreviations: AC, DNA, BC, CBA, PhD, BTV, DJ, PC, GMT, ztv in Chinese

English abbreviations: AC, DNA, BC, CBA, PhD, BTV, DJ, PC, GMT, ztv in Chinese

Abbr. Alternating current; activated carbon; automatic control; adaptive control
DNA [,di:,en'ei]
Abbr. Deoxyribonucleic acid; Defense Nuclear Agency
BC [,bi:'si:]
Abbr. Before Christ
Abbr. China Basketball Association; OST benefit analysis
PhD [,pi:eitʃ'di:]
ABR. Doctor of Philosophy
Abbr. Beijing TV station; bluetongue virus
DJ [,di:'dʒei]
Abbr. Pop music announcer, disc jockey; district judge; Department of Justice
PC [,pi:'si:]
Abbr. Personal computer; patrol car
GMT [,dʒi:em 'ti:]
Abbr. Greenwich mean time
Ztv: Zhejiang satellite TV; air conditioner shock absorber; Zhou