There are 12100 chickens, ducks and geese in Qingqing farm. The number of ducks is twice that of chickens and the number of geese is four times that of ducks. How many chickens, ducks and geese are there?

There are 12100 chickens, ducks and geese in Qingqing farm. The number of ducks is twice that of chickens and the number of geese is four times that of ducks. How many chickens, ducks and geese are there?

Suppose there are x chickens, then there are 2x ducks, 2x × 4 = 8x geese, x + 2x + 8x = 12100, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 11x = 12100, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 1100, then the number of ducks is 1100 × 2 = 2200, and the number of geese is 2200 × 4 = 8800. A: there are 1100 chickens, 2200 ducks and 8800 geese