What is the number after

What is the number after

The formula is an = 11.5n & # 179; - 74.5n & # 178; + 107n + 75
Calculation A1 = 11.5-74.5 + 107 + 75 = 119
A2 = 11.5*8-74.5*4+107*2+75 = 83
A3 = 11.5*27-74.5*9+107*3+75 = 36
A4 = 11.5*64-74.5*16+107*4+75 = 47
A5 = 11.5*125-74.5*25+107*5+75 = 185
(in fact, generally speaking, it's right to go upstairs. Here's just an explanation. Many answers are not the only one.)