Arrange the odd numbers in the following order: 1 5 7 19 3 9 17…… 11 15…… 13…… 3 in the second row and first column; 15 in the third row and second column What's the row and column of 2007

Arrange the odd numbers in the following order: 1 5 7 19 3 9 17…… 11 15…… 13…… 3 in the second row and first column; 15 in the third row and second column What's the row and column of 2007

Each diagonal row is the odd number increasing in turn. (2007 + 1) / 2 = 1004, 2007 is the 1004th
Each diagonal is 1, 2, 3 45 ^ 2 = 2025 44 ^ 2 = 193
So to the 45th diagonal line, there are 1035 (1 + 45) * 45 / 2. The first 44 lines have 990 (1 + 44) * 44 / 2)
Line 45 is odd, so it's increasing from top right to bottom left, the 14th
So 2007 is line 14, column 32