Arrange the natural numbers according to the law 1 2 5 10…… 4 3 6 11…… 9 8 7 12…… 16 15 14 13…… …… …… ………… 1. Find the number of the 10th row from the top and the 13th column from the left 2. Which row should the number 127 start from and which column should it start from the left? 3. Which row should the number 2000 be in and which column should it be from the left? 1 2 5 10…… 4 3 6 11…… 9 8 7 12…… 16 15 14 13…… …… …… …………

Arrange the natural numbers according to the law 1 2 5 10…… 4 3 6 11…… 9 8 7 12…… 16 15 14 13…… …… …… ………… 1. Find the number of the 10th row from the top and the 13th column from the left 2. Which row should the number 127 start from and which column should it start from the left? 3. Which row should the number 2000 be in and which column should it be from the left? 1 2 5 10…… 4 3 6 11…… 9 8 7 12…… 16 15 14 13…… …… …… …………

one hundred and fifty-four
Row 6 from top, column 12 from left
45 from top, 26 from left