The sum of three consecutive even numbers 54, the greatest common divisor of this number is (6), and the least common multiple is (90), right? The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 54, the greatest common divisor of the three numbers is (6), and the least common multiple is (90), right? I'm sorry. I was careless just now. I missed a few words.

The sum of three consecutive even numbers 54, the greatest common divisor of this number is (6), and the least common multiple is (90), right? The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 54, the greatest common divisor of the three numbers is (6), and the least common multiple is (90), right? I'm sorry. I was careless just now. I missed a few words.

These three even numbers mean 54 / 3 = 18, and these three numbers are 16 18 20
Greatest common divisor = 2
Least common multiple = 16 * 5 * 9 = 720
So this sentence is wrong