Help to see a math problem 8. Any of the nine numbers from 1 to 9 form a two digit number (the number of one digit and ten digit can be repeated) ① Probability of odd product of one digit and ten digit_____ ; ② The probability that the sum of one digit and ten digit is even______ ; ③ The probability that the product of one digit and ten digit is even_____ ; The third question was deleted and repeated

Help to see a math problem 8. Any of the nine numbers from 1 to 9 form a two digit number (the number of one digit and ten digit can be repeated) ① Probability of odd product of one digit and ten digit_____ ; ② The probability that the sum of one digit and ten digit is even______ ; ③ The probability that the product of one digit and ten digit is even_____ ; The third question was deleted and repeated
