After learning the knowledge of series and parallel circuit, Xiaowen asked, "what is the way to connect the TV, light, fan and other electrical appliances at home?" "Parallel connection, of course," Xiaoling replied. What phenomena can show that they are parallel connection______ Let's take an example

After learning the knowledge of series and parallel circuit, Xiaowen asked, "what is the way to connect the TV, light, fan and other electrical appliances at home?" "Parallel connection, of course," Xiaoling replied. What phenomena can show that they are parallel connection______ Let's take an example

Because the parallel circuit can work independently and do not affect each other, the following phenomena can explain that they are connected in parallel: (1) all electrical appliances can work independently; (2) the disconnection of the electric lamp does not affect the work of the television; (3) the burning of the electric lamp does not affect the work of other electrical appliances, etc