AC power problem The maximum value of alternating current (sine cosine type) is 250 root 2 v. if a fuse is connected, the maximum current allowed by the fuse is 10a, and the maximum output power allowed is 5000W. What's wrong? The voltage is 250 bar No. 2, and the fuse is the effective value, so the maximum current is 10 bar No. 2, and the maximum power is 250 bar No. 2 * 10 bar No. 2 = 5000?

AC power problem The maximum value of alternating current (sine cosine type) is 250 root 2 v. if a fuse is connected, the maximum current allowed by the fuse is 10a, and the maximum output power allowed is 5000W. What's wrong? The voltage is 250 bar No. 2, and the fuse is the effective value, so the maximum current is 10 bar No. 2, and the maximum power is 250 bar No. 2 * 10 bar No. 2 = 5000?

If the maximum value is 250 times root 2, the effective value is 250V
The maximum allowable power is 250V * 10A = 2500W
Brother, the error of your algorithm is: the fuse said 10A is based on the thermal effect of current, which means the effective value 10A. Similarly, the voltage here should also be calculated as the effective value rather than the maximum value. The effective value is equal to the maximum value divided by the root 2