1、 Fill in (15 pieces) 1. The sun is the largest () and () on earth 2. Light is transmitted in the form of (). The speed of light propagation is very fast, about () thousand kilometers per second. The distance between the sun and the earth is about 150 million kilometers, and it takes () minutes for the light from the sun to reach the earth 3. In the food chain, the organisms that can make their own food are called (). The organisms that consume the food made by other organisms directly or indirectly are called (). The food chain usually starts from () and ends at () 4. Seed germination needs (), suitable (), and sufficient () 5. An object like an electric light that can emit light on its own is called () 6. We found that earthworms like to live in (), () environment 2、 Judgment (10) 1. In order to observe the light source, Xiao Ming often looks directly at the light source with his eyes 2. The amount of light has nothing to do with the intensity and temperature 3. Seeds will not germinate in dark environment 4. In order to study whether the seeds germinate fast under the condition of moderate water or little water, the water content of the seeds in the experimental group and the control group are different, and the conditions of temperature, nutrient, air and light are also different 5. In the experiment of mung bean seed germination, the number of seeds in each group should be at least two 6. Solar energy is a kind of clean, safe and energy-saving energy. People are vigorously developing and using solar energy 7. If one kind of living thing is extinct, it will affect the survival of many other living things. Therefore, to protect one kind of living thing is to protect many living things 8. All the light sources are heating when they are emitting light 9. While the sun brings us light, it also brings us warmth 10. The transmission route of sunlight cannot be changed 3、 Multiple choice questions (10) 1. The doctor brought a frontal mirror to examine the patient's ears, which solved the problem by using () A. Direct light B, reflection of light 2. In contrast experiments, we generally control () condition unchanged A one B two C three 3. Apple trees are not suitable to be planted in tropical areas, and oranges are not suitable to be planted in the north A. Sunshine B, temperature C, water D, air 4. Space suits are usually made of silver for () A. Absorb solar energy B. prevent radiation C. beautiful 5. Fish must live in the water. Once they leave the water, they will die. This is because () A. Organisms affect the environment B. organisms change the environment C. organisms depend on the environment 4、 Various mirrors are used in many places of life and production, and the following types of mirrors are connected The doctor's frontal mirror Concave mirror of automobile Periscope plane mirror Convex lens of spherical mirror at road corner Solar cooker 5、 Short answer: 1. Use the animals given below to write three food chains: snake, frog, locust, bird, vole, rice and owl (6) 2. Please design and make a simple solar water heater. (requirements: write down the materials and simple steps or draw a simple diagram) (4 pieces)

1、 Fill in (15 pieces) 1. The sun is the largest () and () on earth 2. Light is transmitted in the form of (). The speed of light propagation is very fast, about () thousand kilometers per second. The distance between the sun and the earth is about 150 million kilometers, and it takes () minutes for the light from the sun to reach the earth 3. In the food chain, the organisms that can make their own food are called (). The organisms that consume the food made by other organisms directly or indirectly are called (). The food chain usually starts from () and ends at () 4. Seed germination needs (), suitable (), and sufficient () 5. An object like an electric light that can emit light on its own is called () 6. We found that earthworms like to live in (), () environment 2、 Judgment (10) 1. In order to observe the light source, Xiao Ming often looks directly at the light source with his eyes 2. The amount of light has nothing to do with the intensity and temperature 3. Seeds will not germinate in dark environment 4. In order to study whether the seeds germinate fast under the condition of moderate water or little water, the water content of the seeds in the experimental group and the control group are different, and the conditions of temperature, nutrient, air and light are also different 5. In the experiment of mung bean seed germination, the number of seeds in each group should be at least two 6. Solar energy is a kind of clean, safe and energy-saving energy. People are vigorously developing and using solar energy 7. If one kind of living thing is extinct, it will affect the survival of many other living things. Therefore, to protect one kind of living thing is to protect many living things 8. All the light sources are heating when they are emitting light 9. While the sun brings us light, it also brings us warmth 10. The transmission route of sunlight cannot be changed 3、 Multiple choice questions (10) 1. The doctor brought a frontal mirror to examine the patient's ears, which solved the problem by using () A. Direct light B, reflection of light 2. In contrast experiments, we generally control () condition unchanged A one B two C three 3. Apple trees are not suitable to be planted in tropical areas, and oranges are not suitable to be planted in the north A. Sunshine B, temperature C, water D, air 4. Space suits are usually made of silver for () A. Absorb solar energy B. prevent radiation C. beautiful 5. Fish must live in the water. Once they leave the water, they will die. This is because () A. Organisms affect the environment B. organisms change the environment C. organisms depend on the environment 4、 Various mirrors are used in many places of life and production, and the following types of mirrors are connected The doctor's frontal mirror Concave mirror of automobile Periscope plane mirror Convex lens of spherical mirror at road corner Solar cooker 5、 Short answer: 1. Use the animals given below to write three food chains: snake, frog, locust, bird, vole, rice and owl (6) 2. Please design and make a simple solar water heater. (requirements: write down the materials and simple steps or draw a simple diagram) (4 pieces)

Light and heat direct 30 8 producers consumers green plants fierce predators sunlight temperature air dark humid x x x x V x V x B B C