EA is the tangent line of circle O, a is the tangent point, the chord BC intersects OA at D, through B makes Pb, vertical CB intersects EA extension line at P

EA is the tangent line of circle O, a is the tangent point, the chord BC intersects OA at D, through B makes Pb, vertical CB intersects EA extension line at P

∵ PA cut ⊙ o to a, ∵ PAB = ACB
∵ PA cuts ⊙ o to a, ∵ ad ⊥ AP, Pb ⊥ BD, ∵ a, D, B, P are in common circle, ∵ PAB = PDB
From ∠ PAB = ACB, ∠ PAB = PDB, it is concluded that ∠ ACB = PDB, | AC ‖ PD