7. A, B and C are different numbers from 0 to 9. A, B and C can be used to form six three digit numbers. If the sum of five numbers is 2234, then 7. X05a, B and C are different numbers from 0 to 9. A, B and C can be used to form six three digit numbers. If the sum of five numbers is 2234, what is the other number?

7. A, B and C are different numbers from 0 to 9. A, B and C can be used to form six three digit numbers. If the sum of five numbers is 2234, then 7. X05a, B and C are different numbers from 0 to 9. A, B and C can be used to form six three digit numbers. If the sum of five numbers is 2234, what is the other number?

Let the other number be X. according to the meaning of the question (a, B, C appear twice in the hundreds, tens, and individuals of the six numbers), we can get the following result:
So x = 222 (a + B + C) - 2234
That is, x = 222 (a + B + C-10) - 14
Because x is a three digit number, a + B + C > 10
So when a + B + C = 11, x = 208 (because 0 can't be in the highest order, so these three numbers can't form six three digit numbers and are excluded)
When a + B + C = 12, x = 430
When a + B + C = 13, x = 652
When a + B + C = 14, x = 874
When a + B + C = 15, x = 996
So the other number is 652