Two cars start from place a at the same time and drive along a highway to place B. car a travels 8 kilometers more per hour than car B. car a arrives at place C 40 minutes earlier than car B. when car B arrives at place C, car a just arrives at place B. It is known that the distance from place C to place B is 40 kilometers How many kilometers per hour does car B travel?

Two cars start from place a at the same time and drive along a highway to place B. car a travels 8 kilometers more per hour than car B. car a arrives at place C 40 minutes earlier than car B. when car B arrives at place C, car a just arrives at place B. It is known that the distance from place C to place B is 40 kilometers How many kilometers per hour does car B travel?

In this case, a arrives at C 40 minutes earlier than B. that is to say, after a arrives at C, B arrives at C 40 minutes later. When B arrives at C, a just reaches B. so it takes 40 minutes for a to drive from C to B = 2 / 3 hours. So the speed of a is 40 △ 2 / 3 = 60 km / h. When a arrives at B, B just reaches C, which means that in this