What's the answer to the second question on page 68 of volume two of grade four? There is a square flower bed in Dongshan primary school. When the campus was built, the opposite sides of the flower bed were increased by 3 meters each. In this way, the flower bed became a rectangle, with an area of 24 square meters more than the original. How many square meters was the original flower bed My answer was 64, but the child came back and said that the teacher's answer was 16. The teacher made an article on "a group of opposite sides" and "each side". That is to say, the two ends of the original square were extended by 3 meters. The calculation result was 16 square meters. Our parents didn't know which answer was right

What's the answer to the second question on page 68 of volume two of grade four? There is a square flower bed in Dongshan primary school. When the campus was built, the opposite sides of the flower bed were increased by 3 meters each. In this way, the flower bed became a rectangle, with an area of 24 square meters more than the original. How many square meters was the original flower bed My answer was 64, but the child came back and said that the teacher's answer was 16. The teacher made an article on "a group of opposite sides" and "each side". That is to say, the two ends of the original square were extended by 3 meters. The calculation result was 16 square meters. Our parents didn't know which answer was right

Let the side length of the square be X;
The equation is: X (x + 3) = x.x + 24
S Square = 8x8 = 64
x. X is the square of X,