Positive rational number: 3, 2 / 3, 50, 2.5, 4 / 3. Negative rational number: - 7, - 2 / 3, - 0.8, - 10.5, - 11. Please select 2 positive rational numbers and 2 negative rational numbers from them, and then use the three symbols in "+, -, ×, △" to perform three operations on the selected 4 numbers, so that the operation result is 0, and write two formulas that meet the conditions

Positive rational number: 3, 2 / 3, 50, 2.5, 4 / 3. Negative rational number: - 7, - 2 / 3, - 0.8, - 10.5, - 11. Please select 2 positive rational numbers and 2 negative rational numbers from them, and then use the three symbols in "+, -, ×, △" to perform three operations on the selected 4 numbers, so that the operation result is 0, and write two formulas that meet the conditions

(1)3x(4/3)+(-11-(-4))=4-4=0 (2)3-2.5+(10.5-11)=0.5-0.5=0