1. On an east-west freeway, there are two cars a and B driving westward. The speed of car a is faster than that of car B, and there is a certain interval between them___ As a reference, car a moves westward and car B moves eastward_____ As a reference, both AB and ab move eastward 2. An object moves in a straight line for 6 seconds. The average velocity in the first 2 seconds is 6 m / s, and the average velocity in the last 4 seconds is 3 M / s 3. The distance between Party A and Party B is 162km. The car starts from place a at the speed of 10m / s. after driving 72km, it drives to place B at the speed of 45km / h. The average speed of the car from place a to place B is calculated 2.3 write the process: known; seek; solve; answer

1. On an east-west freeway, there are two cars a and B driving westward. The speed of car a is faster than that of car B, and there is a certain interval between them___ As a reference, car a moves westward and car B moves eastward_____ As a reference, both AB and ab move eastward 2. An object moves in a straight line for 6 seconds. The average velocity in the first 2 seconds is 6 m / s, and the average velocity in the last 4 seconds is 3 M / s 3. The distance between Party A and Party B is 162km. The car starts from place a at the speed of 10m / s. after driving 72km, it drives to place B at the speed of 45km / h. The average speed of the car from place a to place B is calculated 2.3 write the process: known; seek; solve; answer

1. On an east-west freeway, there are two cars a and B driving westward. The speed of car a is faster than that of car B, and there is a certain interval between them_ The other side_ As a reference, car a moves westward and car B moves eastward__ The sun___ 2. It is known that t = 6S, T1 = 2S, V1 = 6m / s, T2 = 4S, V2 = 3m / s