Help to speak English in the present continuous tense I didn't understand in class. I'm good at speaking. I'll get extra marks

Help to speak English in the present continuous tense I didn't understand in class. I'm good at speaking. I'll get extra marks

The present continuous tense
The definition of the present continuous tense: the present continuous tense refers to the action that is going on at present or in the current period of time. It can indicate the planned future, that is, the present continuous tense refers to the future
The construction of the present continuous tense is: subject + be + verb ing
First person singular I + am + doing + sth
First person plural we + are + doing + sth
You + are + doing + sth
The third person singular He (she, it) + is + doing + sth
They + are + doing + sth
Rules of present participle change
1. Direct + ing (e.g. sleep + ing sleeping)
2. De e + ing (e.g. bite-e + ing biting)
3. Stress the closed syllable with only one consonant at the end, and double write the consonant + ing (e.g.: sit + T + ing siting)
4. Special changes: Die dying, lie lying, tie tying
5. Irregular changes
Basic usage of the present continuous tense
A is what is happening now
We are waiting for you
B. Habitual action: a long-term or repetitive action that may not be in progress when speaking
Example: Mr. Green is writing another novel
When you speak, you are not writing. You are only writing
Example: she is learning piano under Mr. Smith
C. Future activities that have been determined or arranged
I'm leaving for a trek in next next week
We're flying to Paris tomorrow
D. Some verbs (state verbs are not used in the continuous tense)
1. Verbs expressing knowing or understanding: believe, double, forget, imagine, know, remember, realize, supose, understand
2. It means "look", "look", "look"
3 means like or don't like hate, like.lover.prefer
The verb "be come" which means "be come" from.contain ,include
Hear see smile sound taste
The verb "be long" means "have" to.need.own . possess.want wish
About the present continuous tense
The construction of the present continuous tense
The present continuous tense is made up of "be + v-ing". Be should be an auxiliary verb, which is easily missed by beginners. It should be consistent with the person and number of the subject
The application of the present continuous tense
In practice, the present continuous tense is often used in the following situations:
(1) When there is now in the sentence, it often means that the action is in progress
They are playing basketball now
(2) A sentence that begins with look and listen tells us that the action is going on
Listen! She is singing an English song
(3) This week, these days and other time adverbials are often used in the present continuous tense
We are making model planes these days
(4) To describe the action of a person in a picture, in order to make it more vivid
Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park
The change of the present continuous tense
Affirmative sentence: subject + be (am, is, are) + present participle + others
Negative sentence: subject + be (am, is, are) + not + present participle + others
General question: be (am, is, are) + subject + present participle + others?
Special questions: question + be (am, is, are) + subject + present participle + others?
The answer to the special question in the present continuous tense should be based on the actual situation
E. Verbs for gradual change include: get, grow, come, turn, run, go, begin, etc
The leaves are turning red
It's getting warmer and warmer.
F. Used together with always, consistently, forever, it means repeated action or persistent state, often with speaker's subjective color
You are always changing your mind
Time adverbial of the present continuous tense
Today, this morning, this year, now, while, at the moment, etc
Typical examples
My dictionary ___ , I have looked for it everywhere but still___ it.
A. has lost, don't find B. is missing, don't find C. has lost, haven't found D. is missing, haven't found.
The former sentence is still in a continuous state. Because it is not found, its influence still exists
e: The present continuous tense can sometimes be used to express admiration or boredom
He is always causing trouble.
He is always in trouble
The present continuous tense
We should pay special attention to the changing forms of irregular verbs when reviewing
For example:
Taking, taking is the ing form of taking, ending with E and adding ing to E;
Swimming, beginning, putting, shopping, stopping, hopping and traveling should double write the last letter and add ing after it;
Buying, playing, teaching, and most other words are directly added with ing
There are three present participles with some special changes (or verbs with ie as the ending to stress closed syllables): lying lie, dying die, typing tie. These participles end with ie by going to e and then changing I into y and adding ing
Extended reading:
The present continuous tense
We should pay special attention to the changing forms of irregular verbs when reviewing
3. For example:
4. swimming,beginning,putting,taking,buying.