The problem of the adverbial of time, He is sweeping the floor According to the literal meaning, do you need to add time adverbial after it, the monent.right Now If you add the literal meaning, will it change? Or can you add it or not? Are you emptying that bottle? Are you emptying the castle or are you emptying this castle?

The problem of the adverbial of time, He is sweeping the floor According to the literal meaning, do you need to add time adverbial after it, the monent.right Now If you add the literal meaning, will it change? Or can you add it or not? Are you emptying that bottle? Are you emptying the castle or are you emptying this castle?

Answer to Q1: I don't know if you are in junior high school or senior high school. If you are in junior high school, there will be a very obvious time Zhuang to remind you which tense to use, but in senior high school, you will be asked to judge the usage of the situation according to the context
Answer to Q2: I don't think there's much difference between using this or the, or when the speaker points to the bottle and has a strong will to indicate, use this