What's the difference between English adjectives and adverbs in predicative, complement, attributive and adverbial

What's the difference between English adjectives and adverbs in predicative, complement, attributive and adverbial

(1) Adjectives modify nouns to describe the nature or characteristics of things or people. Generally, adjectives can be divided into two categories: nature adjectives and narrative adjectives, and their positions are not always in front of nouns
1) An adjective that directly describes the nature or characteristics of a thing is a property adjective. It has grade changes and can be modified by adverbs of degree. In a sentence, it can be used as attributive, predicative and complement
2) Narrative adjectives can only be used as predicative adjectives, so they are also called predicative adjectives. This kind of adjectives have no grade change, and can not be modified by degree adverbs. Most adjectives beginning with a belong to this category. For example: afraid
He is an ill man
The man is ill
She is an afraid girl
The girl is afraid
There are also such words as well, unwell, ill, fant, afaid, like, alive, alone, asleep, awake, etc
3) When an adjective is used as an attribute to modify a noun, it should be placed in front of the noun. But when an adjective modifies a word ending with - thing, it should be placed after these words, for example:
something nice
(2) Adverbs and their basic usages
Adverbs are mainly used to modify verbs, adjectives, adverbs or other structures
1、 The position of Adverbs:
1) Before the verb
2) After be verb and auxiliary verb
3) When there are more than one auxiliary verb, the adverb is usually placed after the first auxiliary verb
be careful:
a. Most modal adverbs are at the end of the sentence, but the object is too long
We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us.
b. The adverbs well, badly, bad and hard are only put at the end of the sentence
He speaks English well.