Write 10 Nouns ending with s, x, CH, sh. then write 10 Nouns ending with consonant + y

Write 10 Nouns ending with s, x, CH, sh. then write 10 Nouns ending with consonant + y

1. Countable nouns have singular and plural forms, and the plural forms are mainly composed of the following: (1) in general, the pronunciation of s after the nouns ending with light consonants is [S], and the pronunciation of s after the nouns ending with voiced consonants and vowels is [Z]; (2) when the nouns ending with s, x, CH and sh become plural, the plural forms of countable nouns are different, Put it at the end of the word es.eg (3) for nouns ending with "consonant letter + Y", first change y to I, and then add es.eg .city——cities,family——families,documentary——documentaries,country——countries, Strawberry strawberries (ies pronounced [iz]) (Note: for words ending with "vowel + Y", add - s.eg.boys, holidays, days directly at the end of the word) (4) for nouns ending with vowels, the plural is as follows: ① add eg.tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes; ② add s, eg.zoo-zoos at the end of two vowels, Radio -- radios 3. When some loanwords are plural, add s at the end, eg.piano (4) when the abbreviated forms of some nouns become plural, add s, eg. photo (photo) - photos, kill (kilogram) kilos (zero). When the abbreviated forms of some nouns become plural, add either s or eg. zeros / zeroes (5) when the nouns ending in f or Fe become plural, first change f or Fe into V, and then add es.eg .wife——wives,leaf leaves, (6) when some nouns change from singular to plural, they do not add s or es at the end, but change the letters, eg.man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, English-English, frenchman-frenchmen, (7) some nouns have the same singular and plural forms. Eg. Chinese, Japanese, sheep, deer, fish (8) some nouns themselves are plural and can not be used as singular. Eg, people, police, trousers, panels, clothes, scissors, Eg. an apple tree, five apple trees, a girl friend, two girl friends, a two sister. However, when man and woman are used as attributives to modify plural nouns, their plural forms should be used. Eg. two men teachers, three women doctors can express the number of countable nouns with the structure of "quantifier + of + plural noun"