What are the nouns and English words of different countries?

What are the nouns and English words of different countries?

Australia - Australian - Australia
Austria - Austria - Austria
Belgium - Belgium
Brazil - Brazil - Brazil
Britain - British - Great Britain
Canada - Canadian - Canada
China - Chinese - China
Denmark - Danish - Denmark
Egypt - Egyptian - Egypt
England - English - England
Finland - Finnish - Finland
France - French - France
Germany - Germany - Germany
Greece - Greek - Greece
Hungary - Hungarian - Hungary
Italy - Italian - Italy
Japan - Japanese - Japan
Korea - Korean - Korea
Mexico - Mexico - Mexico
Northern Ireland - Ireland - Northern Ireland
Poland - Polish - Poland
Portugal - Portugal
Russia - Russian - Russia
Scotland - Scottish - Scotland
South Africa - South African - South Africa
Southern Ireland - Ireland
Span - Spanish - Spain
Sweden - Sweden
Switzerland - Swiss - Switzerland
The Netherlands - Dutch
Turkey Turkey
The UK - British - UK
The USA - American - USA
Wales - Welsh - Wales
Chinese is only marked with the name of the country. People from all countries just need to add "people" after the name of the country. E.g. Switzerland, Swiss