English words with nouns as verbs

English words with nouns as verbs

Animal name nouns often turn into verbs, one of which means hunt and catch
They fished all day in the river.
The dogs went ratting.
However, in the animal world, there are many images and different temperaments. The nouns of animal names are used as verbs, either "similar in shape", or "similar in spirit", or "similar in shape and spirit". They have rich meanings, vivid images and humorous meanings
1. Dog: track, follow
Whenever I go,my little brother dogs my footsteps.
No matter where I go, my little brother always follows me
Monkey: make fun of
Don’t monkey with my television.
Don't fiddle with my TV
3. Snake: meander along; drag (something on the ground)
Since the train was snaking along at a brisk clip,the diner
swayed from side to side.
The dining car began to sway from side to side after the train began to zigzag
4. Wolf
The starving man wolfed down the food.
The hungry man wolfed down his food
To take out (something); fish
He fished out a coin for the boy.
He took out a coin for the boy
6. Crane: stretch your neck to see
Jack craned to see the coins in the well.
Jack craned his neck to look at the coins in the well
Ape: imitate, imitate
Do not ape your betters.
Don't copy
8. Badger: entangle
If you badger him long enough,I’m sure he’ll agree.
If you keep pestering him, he will agree
9. Pig: (in the dirty place) huddle and sleep together
The hotels were all full so we had to pig it in an old hut for the night.
The hotel was full, so we had to deal with it in the old shed all night
Chicken: flinch, fear
All the boys ran to put out the fire,but Mike chickened out.
The boys ran to put out the fire, but Mike flinched
Parrot: parrot like retelling
On the whole,the students seemed serious and hard-working,but they
confined themselves to parroting textbooks.
Generally speaking, students seem to be serious and diligent, but they just memorize textbooks
12. Beetle: (like a beetle) walking in a hurry
After work we all beetled off for a drink.
After work, we all went for a drink in a hurry
13. Bug: set up a bug; worry, torture
The spy bugged enemy headquarters. .
The spy planted a bug in the enemy headquarters
14. Worm: crawling slowly
The soldier wormed his way toward the enemy’s lines.
The soldier crawled slowly towards the enemy line
15. Fox: cheating
To his mind everybody was dodging and foxing.
In his opinion, everyone is playing tricks and cheating