F (x) = x ^ 3-6x ^ 2 + 9x-4, find the first derivative, second derivative, stationary point, the point with zero second derivative and its function value, monotone interval, extremum, asymptote

F (x) = x ^ 3-6x ^ 2 + 9x-4, find the first derivative, second derivative, stationary point, the point with zero second derivative and its function value, monotone interval, extremum, asymptote

F (x) = x & # 179; - 6x & # 178; + 9x-4f '(x) = 3x & # 178; - 12x + 9 = 3 (X & # 178; - 4x + 3) = 3 (x-1) (x-3) f "(x) = 6x-12 = 6 (X-2) stationary point x = 1, 3f (1) = 1-6 + 9-4 = 0 is the maximum, f (3) = 27-54 + 27-4 = - 4 is the minimum, the stationary point is (1,0), (3, - 4) inflection point x = 2, f (2) = 8-24 + 18-4 = - 2, the inflection point is