In daily life, such as withdrawal and Internet access, passwords are needed. There is a kind of password generated by "factoring" method, which is convenient for memory. The principle is: for example In daily life, such as withdrawing money and surfing the Internet, we need a password. There is a kind of password generated by factorization, which is convenient for memory. The principle is: for polynomial x4-y4, the result of factorization is (X-Y) (x + y) (x2 + Y2). If x = 9, y = 9, then the values of each factor are: X-Y = 0, x + y = 18, X2 + y2 = 162, so "018162" can be used as a six digit password, When x = 10 and y = 10, the password generated by the above method is:______ Just write one

In daily life, such as withdrawal and Internet access, passwords are needed. There is a kind of password generated by "factoring" method, which is convenient for memory. The principle is: for example In daily life, such as withdrawing money and surfing the Internet, we need a password. There is a kind of password generated by factorization, which is convenient for memory. The principle is: for polynomial x4-y4, the result of factorization is (X-Y) (x + y) (x2 + Y2). If x = 9, y = 9, then the values of each factor are: X-Y = 0, x + y = 18, X2 + y2 = 162, so "018162" can be used as a six digit password, When x = 10 and y = 10, the password generated by the above method is:______ Just write one

Extraction of common factor: A & sup2; + AB = a (a + b)
Square difference formula: A & sup2; - B & sup2; = (a-b) (a + b)
=X (4x & sup2; - Y & sup2;) [extract common factor]
=X [(2x) & sup2; - Y & sup2;] [regarding 2x as a term]
=X (2x-y) (2x + y) [square difference formula]
When x = 10, y = 10
So the password may be: 101030 [or 103010301010]