In the figure below, there are sixteen squares with four circles, four five stars and four triangles. Can you divide the sixteen squares into four blocks according to their size and shape, and each block must have one circle, one no star and one triangle? ○ ★ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ★ ★ ★ ▲ Sorry, because Baidu can't display graphics, so they are all crowded together I use words to express, circle (circle), triangle (angle), five stars (star), space (space), you can draw on the drawing. (circle) (space) (star) (angle) (angle) (angle) (circle) (empty) (empty) (circle) (circle) (star) (star) (star) (space) (angle)

In the figure below, there are sixteen squares with four circles, four five stars and four triangles. Can you divide the sixteen squares into four blocks according to their size and shape, and each block must have one circle, one no star and one triangle? ○ ★ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ★ ★ ★ ▲ Sorry, because Baidu can't display graphics, so they are all crowded together I use words to express, circle (circle), triangle (angle), five stars (star), space (space), you can draw on the drawing. (circle) (space) (star) (angle) (angle) (angle) (circle) (empty) (empty) (circle) (circle) (star) (star) (star) (space) (angle)

(circle) (space) (star)
(angle)? (angle)
(angle)? (circle) (empty)
(empty) (circle)? (star)
(star)? (circle)
(star) (space) (angle)
You can see it,