The friction coefficient between AB, B and the ground is 0.25, and the horizontal force of F = 12.5n is used After a period of time, pull out B from under a, g = 10m / S ^ 2. Find out the work done by F and the acceleration of a and B in the process of pulling out the board

The friction coefficient between AB, B and the ground is 0.25, and the horizontal force of F = 12.5n is used After a period of time, pull out B from under a, g = 10m / S ^ 2. Find out the work done by F and the acceleration of a and B in the process of pulling out the board

The friction between the wood block and the board can provide a maximum acceleration of 2.5 meters per second. If it does not slide, the acceleration provided by the tension to the whole system is 3.75 meters per second