The ball with a mass of 1kg is put on the slash, and the angle between the slash and the horizontal direction is 30 degrees. The dynamic friction factor between the ball and the rod is root 3 / 6. When the ball is subjected to vertical upward F, it accelerates along the rod with an acceleration of 2m / S2 to calculate the vertical upward tension F

The ball with a mass of 1kg is put on the slash, and the angle between the slash and the horizontal direction is 30 degrees. The dynamic friction factor between the ball and the rod is root 3 / 6. When the ball is subjected to vertical upward F, it accelerates along the rod with an acceleration of 2m / S2 to calculate the vertical upward tension F

Distinguish between upward uniform acceleration and downward uniform acceleration with the acceleration of 2
This is the upward fsin θ - mgsin θ - μ (fcos θ - mgcos θ) = ma