When a car with mass m and length a moves from one end of the flatbed car with mass m and length B to the other end, what are the displacements of the car and flatbed car

When a car with mass m and length a moves from one end of the flatbed car with mass m and length B to the other end, what are the displacements of the car and flatbed car

The momentum conservation of the system composed of car and flatbed car, with the speed direction of car as the positive direction, is obtained by the law of momentum conservation: MV MV ′ = 0, v = B − a − XT, V ′ = XT, the solution is: x = m (B − a) m + m, the displacement of car: X car = m (B − a) m + m; a: the displacement of car and flatbed car are: m (B − a) m + m, m (B − a) m + M