Lift an object with a gravity of 1n by 1m, do work by 1J, do work by gravity by 1J, and the gravitational field sucks the object past If you lift an object with a gravity of 1n by 1m and do work of 1J, the gravitational field will absorb the object. However, if you want to separate the object, you also need to do work. What is the total energy of the universe Is it conservation? I don't know whether to fill in a specific number, anyway, the topic is like this

Lift an object with a gravity of 1n by 1m, do work by 1J, do work by gravity by 1J, and the gravitational field sucks the object past If you lift an object with a gravity of 1n by 1m and do work of 1J, the gravitational field will absorb the object. However, if you want to separate the object, you also need to do work. What is the total energy of the universe Is it conservation? I don't know whether to fill in a specific number, anyway, the topic is like this

Should fill in: keep unchanged