As shown in the figure, the masses of the two blocks are m respectively. M is connected with a light spring with a spring stiffness coefficient of K to prevent the block 1 from falling on the horizontal ground for a certain distance As shown in the figure, the masses of the two objects are m, and M is a light spring with spring stiffness coefficient K When the wooden block 1 is pressed down for a certain distance and released, it will move up and down in simple harmonic motion. In the process of vibration, the wooden block 2 will not leave the ground. Then the maximum acceleration of block 1 is shown as? What is the maximum pressure of block 2 on the ground?

As shown in the figure, the masses of the two blocks are m respectively. M is connected with a light spring with a spring stiffness coefficient of K to prevent the block 1 from falling on the horizontal ground for a certain distance As shown in the figure, the masses of the two objects are m, and M is a light spring with spring stiffness coefficient K When the wooden block 1 is pressed down for a certain distance and released, it will move up and down in simple harmonic motion. In the process of vibration, the wooden block 2 will not leave the ground. Then the maximum acceleration of block 1 is shown as? What is the maximum pressure of block 2 on the ground?

As shown in the figure, two blocks a and B with mass of Ma and MB are connected and placed on the inclined plane with inclination angle of θ by light wire, f = (MA + MB) a + umagcos θ + umbgcos θ + magsin θ + mbgsin θ, pull force = mbgsin θ+