A long board with mass m is still on a smooth horizontal table. The small slider with mass m slides on the template from a section of the board at a horizontal speed v0 A long board with mass m is still on a smooth horizontal table. The small slider with mass m slides on the board at a horizontal speed V0 from a section of the long board until it leaves the board. The speed of the slider when it leaves the board is V0 / 3. If the template is fixed on the horizontal table, other conditions are the same, the speed v when Qiuhua leaves the board

A long board with mass m is still on a smooth horizontal table. The small slider with mass m slides on the template from a section of the board at a horizontal speed v0 A long board with mass m is still on a smooth horizontal table. The small slider with mass m slides on the board at a horizontal speed V0 from a section of the long board until it leaves the board. The speed of the slider when it leaves the board is V0 / 3. If the template is fixed on the horizontal table, other conditions are the same, the speed v when Qiuhua leaves the board

The answer is v '= (V0 / 3) under root 1 + (4m / M)