Distance on the map: 5cm actual distance: 200m scale: distance on the map: 3.6cm actual distance: 1.2mm scale: Distance on the map: 4cm actual distance: scale: 1:3000000 Distance on the map: actual distance: 60km scale: 1:500000

Distance on the map: 5cm actual distance: 200m scale: distance on the map: 3.6cm actual distance: 1.2mm scale: Distance on the map: 4cm actual distance: scale: 1:3000000 Distance on the map: actual distance: 60km scale: 1:500000

Distance on the map: 5cm actual distance: 200m scale: 5; 20000 = 1; 4000 distance on the map: 3.6cm actual distance: 1.2mm scale: 3.6; 12 = 3; 10 distance on the map: 4cm actual distance: 120km scale: 1:3000000 distance on the map: 12cm actual distance: 60km ratio