The acceleration of a is 1m / S2, and the acceleration of B is - 2 / / S2. Judge whether this option is correct? (see below) The acceleration of B is larger than that of a, but the acceleration direction of a and B may be the same or different. I have read the complete question on Baidu, but there are different opinions about this option. I want to hear the positive solution! And I, can you talk about the relationship between acceleration direction and velocity direction in detail? Is the former bound by the latter?

The acceleration of a is 1m / S2, and the acceleration of B is - 2 / / S2. Judge whether this option is correct? (see below) The acceleration of B is larger than that of a, but the acceleration direction of a and B may be the same or different. I have read the complete question on Baidu, but there are different opinions about this option. I want to hear the positive solution! And I, can you talk about the relationship between acceleration direction and velocity direction in detail? Is the former bound by the latter?

The acceleration of B is greater than that of a because the acceleration is a vector and the negative sign represents the direction
Because this question does not say that a and B are moving in the same straight line, and there is no positive direction, so a and B may or may not be in the same direction
For example: a positive direction for East, B positive direction for West, this situation is the same
A stipulates that the positive direction is East, B stipulates that the positive direction is East, this situation is different