There is a bicycle 120 meters ahead of the car moving at a constant speed of 6 m / s, and the car is catching up with the bicycle at a speed of 18 m / s. if two cars are moving in a straight line in the same direction on different lanes of the same road, the following questions can be found: (1) how long will it take for the two cars to meet for the first time? (2) If the car brakes immediately after catching up with the bicycle, and the acceleration during the braking process is 2m / S2, how long will it take for the two cars to meet for the second time?

There is a bicycle 120 meters ahead of the car moving at a constant speed of 6 m / s, and the car is catching up with the bicycle at a speed of 18 m / s. if two cars are moving in a straight line in the same direction on different lanes of the same road, the following questions can be found: (1) how long will it take for the two cars to meet for the first time? (2) If the car brakes immediately after catching up with the bicycle, and the acceleration during the braking process is 2m / S2, how long will it take for the two cars to meet for the second time?

(1) Let V 2t1 = V 1t1 + S & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; T1 = 10s & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; after 10s, the two cars meet for the first time. (2) the acceleration of the car is a = - 2 & nbsp; M