If the vehicle with mass m runs on the straight road with constant power P, if the vehicle runs at constant speed V1, when the vehicle's speed is V2 (V2 < V1), the acceleration of the vehicle is () A. Pmυ1B. Pmυ2C. P(υ1−υ2)mυ1υ2D. Pυ1υ2m(υ1−υ2)

If the vehicle with mass m runs on the straight road with constant power P, if the vehicle runs at constant speed V1, when the vehicle's speed is V2 (V2 < V1), the acceleration of the vehicle is () A. Pmυ1B. Pmυ2C. P(υ1−υ2)mυ1υ2D. Pυ1υ2m(υ1−υ2)

When the car is moving at a constant speed V1, according to P = Fv1 = Fv1, the resistance of the car is f = PV1. When the car is moving at a speed V2, according to P = f ′ V2, so the traction force F ′ = PV2 can be obtained from Newton's second law, f ′ - F = ma, so the acceleration is a = f ′ - FM = PV2 − pv1m = P (V1 − V2) mv1v2, so C