When an object moves in a straight line with uniform speed change, the speed is 4m / s at a certain moment, and becomes 10m / s after 1s. What is the acceleration of the object? The answer is that when the initial velocity direction is positive, there are two cases of the end velocity. If the initial velocity is negative, the end velocity is positive, and 10 minus 4 = 14, the acceleration will be 14m / s Square, there will be one more case The acceleration is - 6m / s Square.

When an object moves in a straight line with uniform speed change, the speed is 4m / s at a certain moment, and becomes 10m / s after 1s. What is the acceleration of the object? The answer is that when the initial velocity direction is positive, there are two cases of the end velocity. If the initial velocity is negative, the end velocity is positive, and 10 minus 4 = 14, the acceleration will be 14m / s Square, there will be one more case The acceleration is - 6m / s Square.

Your thinking is correct. This problem needs to be discussed in categories, because the topic only gives the velocity of the moving object at a certain time, and does not give the clear direction, so we can get four answers. (1) let the initial velocity v be + and the final velocity V1 be -. Then the acceleration a = (- 10-4) / 1 = - 14 m / S ^ 2 (2) let the initial velocity v be