What is the maximum acceleration of a car when accelerating from static to 100km / h, and the shortest time is 5S What is the maximum acceleration of a car when accelerating uniformly from static speed to 100km / h, and the shortest time is 5S? If the car brakes after accelerating to 108km / h, and the car stops after 5S, how much is the acceleration after braking? What's the direction? I'm a freshman. I don't quite understand

What is the maximum acceleration of a car when accelerating from static to 100km / h, and the shortest time is 5S What is the maximum acceleration of a car when accelerating uniformly from static speed to 100km / h, and the shortest time is 5S? If the car brakes after accelerating to 108km / h, and the car stops after 5S, how much is the acceleration after braking? What's the direction? I'm a freshman. I don't quite understand

From static uniform acceleration to 100km / h, from static (V0 = 0) uniform acceleration to 100km / H & nbsp; initial velocity is 0 & nbsp;