How many seconds does it take for a car with a speed of 110km / h and a length of 3m to overtake a truck with a speed of 100km / h and a length of 17m on the expressway?

How many seconds does it take for a car with a speed of 110km / h and a length of 3m to overtake a truck with a speed of 100km / h and a length of 17m on the expressway?

So the length should be 17 + 3, that is, the distance of the whole process is 20 meters
Let's look at the speed difference. A car is 10km / h faster than a truck per hour, which is 10000 meters. 10000 divided by 60 is the speed difference per minute, and then divided by 60 is the speed difference per second. 10000 / 60 / 60 is about 2.78
20 meters divided by 2.78 meters per second, takes about 7.19 seconds to complete