After landing, the aircraft decelerates and glides evenly. The initial speed is 60m / s and the acceleration is 3m / S2. How long does the aircraft stop after landing () A. 10sB. 15sC. 20sD. 30s

After landing, the aircraft decelerates and glides evenly. The initial speed is 60m / s and the acceleration is 3m / S2. How long does the aircraft stop after landing () A. 10sB. 15sC. 20sD. 30s

Take the initial velocity direction as the positive direction, then the aircraft's initial velocity V0 = 60m / s, acceleration a = - 3m / S2, and final velocity v = 0, and calculate the flight time of the aircraft. According to the velocity time relationship: v = V0 + at, t = V − v0a = 0 − 60 − 3S = 20s, so select C